Beth 6045 sneakers
Premiata's Beth 6045 sneakers represent a perfect balance between innovation and tradition. This model, designed for those who want a contemporary and sophisticated look, combines technical materials with high-quality leathers, such as lamb and kangaroo. Tejus-print leather details add a touch of elegance and sophistication, while the contrasting neckline and tongue offer a dynamic accent. The platform sole, personalized by the screen printing with the Premiata logo, underlines the distinctive identity of the brand and guarantees superior comfort.
Materials :
- Sole : Made of 75% EVA, a light and flexible material, 5% TPU and 20% rubber, for a secure and long-lasting grip.
- Upper : A unique combination of 30% PL, 10% PU, 40% lambskin, 5% kangaroo leather and 15% PA, ensuring a rich look and comfortable fit.
- Lining : A luxurious blend of 86% goatskin and 14% calfskin, offering comfort and a premium feel.
Design : The shoe features tejus print leather details, contrasting neckline and tongue, and a platform sole with silk-screened Premiata logo.
Size and Fit :
- Sole Height : 5 cm, which gives a slender and modern look.
- Internal Fusbet : 27 cm, designed to wrap the foot comfortably.
- Reference Size : The shoe photographed is a size 37, offering a visual reference for fit and design. Premiata's Beth 6045 sneakers are the ideal choice for those looking for a shoe that combines contemporary design, high quality materials and comfort. With their unique combination of leathers and distinctive details, they are ready to become a must-have in the world of footwear
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Nakupi so zaupani kurirju ob 12.30 od ponedeljka do petka s hitrim servisom 24H.
Gratis per ordini oltre 149€
Vrnitev ali zamenjavo lahko opravite v 14 dneh od nakupa, Brezplačno. Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Vračila
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