Mini dress with belt
This mini dress represents the pinnacle of elegance and contemporary style, ideal for those looking for a sophisticated yet practical look. The design features an eye-catching V-neck that emphasizes the neck and bust line, while the short sleeves add a touch of grace and freedom of movement.
The highlight of the dress is the golden metal belt at the waist, a detail that not only defines the silhouette but also adds an element of luxury and sophistication to the look. The zip closure on the back guarantees a perfect fit, delicately hugging the shape and making the dress comfortable to wear throughout the day or evening.
Made with high-quality fabrics that offer comfort and durability, this mini dress is the ideal choice for any special occasion, from elegant dinners to social events. Its versatility makes it perfect to combine with high heels for an evening look or with flat sandals for a more casual but still chic outfit.
Let yourself be won over by the timeless elegance of this mini dress with golden metal belt. A must-have item in your wardrobe that will make you stand out on every occasion, perfectly combining beauty, style and practicality.
Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Pošiljanje
Nakupi so zaupani kurirju ob 12.30 od ponedeljka do petka s hitrim servisom 24H.
Gratis per ordini oltre 149€
Vrnitev ali zamenjavo lahko opravite v 14 dneh od nakupa, Brezplačno. Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Vračila
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Plačajte na 3 priročne obroke, lahko s karticami Visa, Mastercard ali Amex.
Stranke se lahko odločijo za plačilo ob dostavi. Ta način plačila je na voljo samo za naročila do 5000 €. Storitev ima dodaten strošek 5 € – poleg stroškov pošiljanja – in ni na voljo za nekatere izdelke. V času dostave boste morali imeti na voljo točen znesek naročila. V primeru vračila bo vračilo izvedeno preko bančnega nakazila registriran na potrošnik kupec naveden v naročilu. Stroški, nastali z gotovino ob dostavi in pošiljanjem, se ne povrnejo.