Classic Ultra Mini Boots
Discover the Classic Ultra Mini Men , the modern and sustainable reinterpretation of our most iconic silhouette. This boot boasts a lower shaft which not only makes it easier to wear, but also makes it extremely versatile, adapting to a wide range of styles and occasions.
Main features:
- Iconic UGG Sheepskin : The 17mm inverted sheepskin upper offers unparalleled comfort, maintaining the distinctive UGG branding that everyone loves.
- Innovative Sole : Depending on your preferences, you can choose between the ultra-light and flexible Treadlite by UGG™ sole for maximum comfort or the eco-friendly SugarSole™ sole, made with sugar cane foam, which helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
- Sustainable Materials : With an UGGplush™ insole, available with varying percentages of regenerated wool and lyocell, and a fabric trim made from 100% recycled polyester fibers, this boot is a step towards a greener future.
- Versatile Design : Thanks to its easy on and off design, the Classic Ultra Mini goes with almost everything, offering endless styling options.
Additional Details:
- Suede heel counter and rear pull tab for additional support.
- Woven label with the UGG® logo on the heel certifying the authenticity of the product.
- Registered in the Companies Register under number 88276, guaranteeing the quality and reliability you expect from UGG.
- Ethically Sourced Fur : This product is made from real sheep or lamb fur, ethically sourced in Australia, Ireland, the United Kingdom or the United States, and artificially treated and dyed to ensure the highest quality.
Discover the unrivaled comfort and style of the Classic Ultra Mini today, and make a conscious choice for the planet without compromising style.
Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Pošiljanje
Nakupi so zaupani kurirju ob 12.30 od ponedeljka do petka s hitrim servisom 24H.
Gratis per ordini oltre 149€
Vrnitev ali zamenjavo lahko opravite v 14 dneh od nakupa, Brezplačno. Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Vračila
Načini plačila
Vittorio Citro Boutique sprejema naslednje načine plačila:
Nakup je možen preko Visa, Mastercard, American Express in JCB. Stranke ob nakupu vnesejo podatke o svoji kreditni kartici v varen elektronski bančni sistem, ki ga zagotavlja Stripe.
Z izbiro načina plačila Paypal lahko stranka plača neposredno preko svojega Paypal računa. VITTORIOCITRO.IT si pridržuje pravico do pošiljanja blaga samo na naslov, ki je naveden na računu, ki ga je potrdil Paypal.
Plačajte na 3 priročne obroke, lahko s karticami Visa, Mastercard ali Amex.
Plačajte na 3 priročne obroke, lahko s karticami Visa, Mastercard ali Amex.
Stranke se lahko odločijo za plačilo ob dostavi. Ta način plačila je na voljo samo za naročila do 5000 €. Storitev ima dodaten strošek 5 € – poleg stroškov pošiljanja – in ni na voljo za nekatere izdelke. V času dostave boste morali imeti na voljo točen znesek naročila. V primeru vračila bo vračilo izvedeno preko bančnega nakazila registriran na potrošnik kupec naveden v naročilu. Stroški, nastali z gotovino ob dostavi in pošiljanjem, se ne povrnejo.
Se hai dubbi su quale numero di scarpe acquistare, segui questi passaggi:
01.Disegna una linea retta più lunga del tuo piede su un pezzo di carta.
02.Colloca il foglio su una superficie piana. Posiziona il tallone e il dito più lungo del piede al centro.
03.Fai un segno sulla linea in corrispondenza della punta del dito più lungo e sul retro del tallone.
04.Ripeti la procedura per l’altro piede.
05.Misura la distanza tra i segni. Prendendo la più grande delle due misure, utilizza la tabella di conversione per trovare la taglia giusta.