Adidas Samba Indoor shoes
The adidas Sambae Indoor Shoes have become over time atimeless icon of streetwear fashion. Originally born as indoor training shoes in the 60s, the Sambae Indoor have evolved their style, keeping tradition and adding a touch of premium vibes which makes them perfect for any occasion. Made with a leather upper that guarantees resistance and structure, these sneakers offer a perfect mix of style And practicality.
There premium suede upper with soft colors it matches perfectly with any everyday outfit, while the fabric lining without padding makes the shoes extremely comfortable to wear. The natural rubber sole and the fabric insole ensure comfort and durability, while iconic details such as the three contrasting stripes and the adidas Originals logo heat-stamped on the heel add a touch of sporty elegance.
Whether you're meeting your crew or cruising around town, the Gazelle Indoor accompany you with elegance and practicality. The round tip and the lace-up closure allow for a personalized and secure fit, while the melange fantasy of the upper gives a sophisticated and fashionable look. In addition, the round logo with the writing "the brand with the three stripes" in three different languages adds an element of authenticity and international style.
Perfect to pair with jeans, chinos or skirts, the Adidas Sambae Indoor Sneaker allow you to express your personality with a touch of elegance and functionality, representing a new generation of designer streetwear culture adidas.
Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Pošiljanje
Nakupi so zaupani kurirju ob 12.30 od ponedeljka do petka s hitrim servisom 24H.
Gratis per ordini oltre 149€
Taglia e Fit
Vrnitev ali zamenjavo lahko opravite v 14 dneh od nakupa, Brezplačno. Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Vračila
Načini plačila
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Plačajte na 3 priročne obroke, lahko s karticami Visa, Mastercard ali Amex.
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