Neumel FT boots
Discover the new face of innovation and style with the Men's Neumel FT Boots from UGG . These boots are not only a tribute to the authenticity of the brand, but also a step towards sustainable and responsible fashion. Crafted with a premium suede upper, these boots combine timeless elegance with the ruggedness needed for urban adventures.
The design is inspired by the dynamism of skateboarding, with a pronounced tongue, extra heel cushioning and wide laces for a look that captures the essence of street style. The UGGplush™ lining and insole, made of 60% regenerated wool and 40% lyocell, offer unparalleled comfort and keep your feet warm during the coldest days.
The SugarSole™ EVA outsole represents the pinnacle of sustainable innovation, being made from renewable sugarcane and grown with rainwater. This not only ensures superior cushioning, but also demonstrates UGG's commitment to eco-friendly practices.
Each pair of Neumel FT comes with an extra set of laces, allowing you to customize your style however you like. The heat-stamped UGG® logo adds a distinctive touch of sophistication.
Worn by the Diaz Twins , these boots are the perfect choice for those looking for a mix of luxury, fashion and wearability, without compromising environmental ethics. Choose the Neumel FT Men's Boots for a superior comfort experience and a reduced ecological footprint.
Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Pošiljanje
Nakupi so zaupani kurirju ob 12.30 od ponedeljka do petka s hitrim servisom 24H.
Gratis per ordini oltre 149€
Vrnitev ali zamenjavo lahko opravite v 14 dneh od nakupa, Brezplačno. Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Vračila
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Nakup je možen preko Visa, Mastercard, American Express in JCB. Stranke ob nakupu vnesejo podatke o svoji kreditni kartici v varen elektronski bančni sistem, ki ga zagotavlja Stripe.
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Plačajte na 3 priročne obroke, lahko s karticami Visa, Mastercard ali Amex.
Stranke se lahko odločijo za plačilo ob dostavi. Ta način plačila je na voljo samo za naročila do 5000 €. Storitev ima dodaten strošek 5 € – poleg stroškov pošiljanja – in ni na voljo za nekatere izdelke. V času dostave boste morali imeti na voljo točen znesek naročila. V primeru vračila bo vračilo izvedeno preko bančnega nakazila registriran na potrošnik kupec naveden v naročilu. Stroški, nastali z gotovino ob dostavi in pošiljanjem, se ne povrnejo.
Se hai dubbi su quale numero di scarpe acquistare, segui questi passaggi:
01.Disegna una linea retta più lunga del tuo piede su un pezzo di carta.
02.Colloca il foglio su una superficie piana. Posiziona il tallone e il dito più lungo del piede al centro.
03.Fai un segno sulla linea in corrispondenza della punta del dito più lungo e sul retro del tallone.
04.Ripeti la procedura per l’altro piede.
05.Misura la distanza tra i segni. Prendendo la più grande delle due misure, utilizza la tabella di conversione per trovare la taglia giusta.