Adidas Campus 00s J
Rediscover the timeless charm of Adidas with the brand new Campus 00s J, a tribute to the youth fashion of the early 2000s. This updated version of the historic Campus sneakers from the 80s is designed for young people who want to stand out with a unique style and sought after. With a refined silhouette and an eye-catching combination of materials, the Campus 00s J represents the perfect fusion of heritage and innovation.
Main Features:
- Y2K-Inspired Design: The Campus 00s J features iconic details that celebrate the Y2K era, resulting in a look that captures the essence of turn-of-the-millennium fashion.
- Premium Materials: Made with quality leather and synthetic materials, these sneakers guarantee durability and style.
- Everyday Comfort: The fabric lining and rubber sole ensure all-day comfort, ideal for the urban adventure of the youngest.
- Versatility and Style: Available in the lively Bliss Pink / Solar Red / Cloud White colorway, they pair perfectly with both casual jeans and more formal outfits.
- Sustainability: In line with Adidas' commitment to the environment, the Campus 00s J includes preferential and LWG certified materials.
Product Details:
- Regular Fit: With a true-to-size fit, these sneakers offer personalized comfort thanks to the lace closure.
- New Identity: Adidas updates the proportions and dimensions of the Campus model to make it relevant to today's youth audience, giving the shoes a renewed and fresh identity.
These sneakers are not just a pair of shoes, but a symbol of personal expression for the new generation. The Adidas Campus 00s J are ready to become the new point of reference for young urban designers who look to the past to inspire the future.
Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Pošiljanje
Nakupi so zaupani kurirju ob 12.30 od ponedeljka do petka s hitrim servisom 24H.
Gratis per ordini oltre 149€
Vrnitev ali zamenjavo lahko opravite v 14 dneh od nakupa, Brezplačno. Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Vračila
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