Nasomatto absinth 30ml.

Paga in 3 rate da €43.33 con Klarna o Scalapay
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unisex scented extract

This perfume bottle is part of the Nasomatto project. The fragrance aims to evoke degrees of hysteria. It is the result of a research process to stimulate irresponsible behavior. "The Nose"

Absinth is the most luxurious type of madness.

The writer's forbidden joy. An escape through grins directed to the center of hysteria where the true meaning of life lies.

It is precisely at the height of the delirium that a masterpiece is accomplished, the execution of which is sealed with a sip of absinthe - and everything finally makes sense.

What, however, is the value of life? Life is always worth living, preferably accompanied by laughter and delight.

Warning: the contents of this bottle are extremely irresponsible and a little hysterical.

PACKAGING: Inspired by anything that tears a smile, the package carries with it an intrinsic message and an invitation to try. The Absinth bottle cap is made of olive wood. As with all Nasomatto fragrances, the packaging was entirely made in Italy.

Absinth by Nasomatto, is a perfume that aims to evoke degrees of hysteria. Result of a research process to stimulate irresponsible behavior.


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SKU: NA0015