Coccinelle sole medium

€370.00 -30% €259.00
Paga in 3 rate da €86.33 con Klarna o Scalapay
Color: BLACK
The interiors of vintage cars and the famous 50s inspire the Coccinelle Sole line thanks to the interplay of cuts and overlapping layers of leather that draw a round silhouette, synonymous with design and attention to detail. The zip flap becomes a functional pocket, whose shape recalls our iconic plectrum, as well as the refined metal details. This model is made of leather processed using specific machinery and then tumbled in order to maintain its softness. It is a very resistant leather that lends itself to easy cleaning, ideal for everyday use.
Leather with grain
• Hand and shoulder portability
• Leather with grain
• Closure with magnet
• Handle for portability by hand
• Plectrum-shaped metal attachment of the handles
• Adjustable and removable leather shoulder strap
• Pocket closed with zip in the front flap
• Two inside pockets
• Interior in fabric
• Galvanic Gold
• Gold stamp logo
• Internal tag in pink leather
• To best preserve this product, it is advisable to pay attention to the use of too aggressive detergents or sanitizing gels which could damage the accessories with which they come into direct contact
• Measurements: 34x24x12 cm

Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Pošiljanje

Nakupi so zaupani kurirju ob 12.30 od ponedeljka do petka s hitrim servisom 24H.

1-3 giorni lavorativi 5€
Consegna Standard
Gratis per ordini oltre 149€
1-2 giorni lavorativi 7€
Consegna Express
1 giorno lavorativo 10€
Consegna Prioritaria
*Tempi indicativi di consegna

Vrnitev ali zamenjavo lahko opravite v 14 dneh od nakupa, Brezplačno. Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Vračila

Načini plačila

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Plačajte na 3 priročne obroke, lahko s karticami Visa, Mastercard ali Amex.


Plačajte na 3 priročne obroke, lahko s karticami Visa, Mastercard ali Amex.


Stranke se lahko odločijo za plačilo ob dostavi. Ta način plačila je na voljo samo za naročila do 5000 €. Storitev ima dodaten strošek 5 € – poleg stroškov pošiljanja – in ni na voljo za nekatere izdelke. V času dostave boste morali imeti na voljo točen znesek naročila. V primeru vračila bo vračilo izvedeno preko bančnega nakazila  registriran na  potrošnik kupec naveden v naročilu. Stroški, nastali z gotovino ob dostavi in ​​pošiljanjem, se ne povrnejo.

SKU: E1NAK180201001