Vici leather 100ml

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VICI LEATHER is the latest release from luxury niche fragrance house Electimuss London . Inspired by Julius Caesar's victory cry, Vici Leather is the perfume of success that exudes luxury and nonchalant confidence.

At the heart of this fragrance are two powerful notes of seduction, one feminine, one masculine, perfectly combined to create a very unisex , elegant and charismatic perfume. A robust tuberose intertwines with a soft and addictive leather to create a heart of masculine and feminine sensuality.

Vici Leather is made even more intoxicating by absinthe which has the stoned quality of absinthe and an amber base that is both powerful and relaxed. It is a confident fragrance with an effortless elegance that exudes success and sensuality.


“VICI LEATHER is a perfume of seduction. Start with the inebriation of absinthe. But it quickly combines two of the most sensual ingredients in the perfumer's palette. One that expresses a more masculine attribute that displays a manly yet gentle charisma: soft skin . The other is more known for being a feminine attribute of seduction: the tuberose . Curiously, young women during the Renaissance were barred from tuberose fields, as the captivating smell of tuberose was said to make it impossible for them to control their desire. These two powerful ingredients combine perfectly in a very unisex charisma, powerful , elegant , relaxed , amber base .“

Julien Rasquinet


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Vrnitev ali zamenjavo lahko opravite v 14 dneh od nakupa, Brezplačno. Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Vračila

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SKU: Vici-Leather-100ml