Nasomatto mess 30ml.
Baraonda 30ml
This perfume bottle is part of the Nasomatto project. The fragrance invites you to discover the naked taste sensation. It is the result of a research process to evoke the powerful allusions of an olfactory stimulus, which magically restores everything from the insignificant. "The Nose"
Russians often say “Поговорим по душам”, meaning “let's talk soul to soul”. This process usually requires a bottle of liquor and a willingness to engage in long conversations about life, love, history, politics, and philosophy. And it is in this moment that the soul of the participants is reunited with the spirit.
Chaos It's a spirit in a perfume bottle. A precious and delicate creation that blends the taste and smell of a whiskey, clear dreams and reality, fiery Russian Red, personal reactions and actions. It is a sensorial hurricane, which envelops you with a mixture of warm and aromatic notes, and with the scent of old barrels with a fruity aftertaste.
Inspired by Venedikt Yerofeyev's book “Moscow-Petushki”, Baraonda captures the essence of this journey through Moscow's stations. It is an ethyl poem, which has no brakes or limits; an ode to cheerful alcoholic intoxication and its clouding aftermath.
Attention: in this perfume The Nose uses the finest alcohol and only high-quality natural ingredients to encourage a pure taste sensation. This fragrance can cause effects on thinking skills, such as problem solving, attention and memory. You might be hooked, but the brave should definitely give it a try.
THE PACKAGING: Inspired by Moscow and the Russian Red shade, the packaging is already a message and an invitation to try it. As with all Nasomatto fragrances, the packaging was entirely made in Italy. The stopper of the Baraonda bottle is made of a mix of different types of cork from Portugal and Italy.
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Nakupi so zaupani kurirju ob 12.30 od ponedeljka do petka s hitrim servisom 24H.
Gratis per ordini oltre 149€
Vrnitev ali zamenjavo lahko opravite v 14 dneh od nakupa, Brezplačno. Za več podrobnosti obiščite razdelek Vračila
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Stranke se lahko odločijo za plačilo ob dostavi. Ta način plačila je na voljo samo za naročila do 5000 €. Storitev ima dodaten strošek 5 € – poleg stroškov pošiljanja – in ni na voljo za nekatere izdelke. V času dostave boste morali imeti na voljo točen znesek naročila. V primeru vračila bo vračilo izvedeno preko bančnega nakazila registriran na potrošnik kupec naveden v naročilu. Stroški, nastali z gotovino ob dostavi in pošiljanjem, se ne povrnejo.